The author Professor Dr. B. Prabhakar Rao has vast experience as a teacher, administrator and clinical biochemist. Though there are several textbooks in Biochemistry written by Indian authors,this book differs from others in that it comprises of questions and answers in all aspects of Biochemistry.Almost all the commonly asked questions in viva voce examination in Biochemistry are covered by theauthor. Subjects like metabolism of xenobiotics, biochemistry of cancer and clinical biochemistrywhich are of biomedical importance are also covered in a lucid and simplified manner. This textbookwhich is a compendium of questions and answers in all topics of ochemistry is not a substitute for atextbook of medical Biochemistry but certainly is an adjuvant to it. This book is useful not only toundergraduate and post-graduate students in Biochemistry in India but is also useful to those preparingfor other examinations in other countries.I earnestly hope that this book will receive appreciation from students and teachers.
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