This edition covers all aspects of the subject needed by medical students. It is a volume in the Illustrated Colour Text series, with the subject matter divided into double-page spreads; this makes the information very accessible to the reader. Full use is made of flow charts and other graphics; clinical "boxes;" summary points; case histories; and clinical photographs. The whole orientation of the book is to concentrate on how clinical biochemistry relates to the care of the patient and to ensure that the medical student understands how to interpret laboratory.
Covers clinical biochemistry from the point of view of the clinician using the diagnostic servicePresents topics in easily accessible two-page spreadsIncludes mini case histories, key point boxes, flowcharts, and summary pointsWell illustrated with four-color drawings and clinical photographsNew appendix added of annotated web resources for students to take further many of the topics covered in the book.To reflect the difficulties people have sometimes in analyzing hyper- and hypo-kalaemia, the existing spread is split into two - one spread on hyperkalaemia and another on hypokalaemia. The spread on hypertension will be revised and updated to reflect the fact that biochemistry is used as much or more in guiding treatment as it is in screening for secondary hypertension.Spreads on Myocardial Infarction, Cancer and Tumour Markers will all substantially revised and updated.
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